The Best Advice I Received About Pursuing A Masters In Data ScienceWhat is the right mindset for determining if it is necessary to pursue a masters degree in a data science field?Jun 2, 20235Jun 2, 20235
My Biggest Failure In Data Science, And What I LearnedAdvice for people in the data space who have to present results to non-technical audiencesMay 24, 20231May 24, 20231
5 Ways To Evolve Your Career in Data ScienceEntering into a career in data science is easy, but how do you establish yourself as a credible data scientist?May 5, 20231May 5, 20231
5 Reasons NOT To Include Projects of Public Datasets In Your PortfolioPortfolios are the best way to showcase your talents, but a public dataset might bring down your overall marketabilityJan 20, 20233Jan 20, 20233
What to expect in your first data science roleYou’re ready for your first job in data science, so what should you actually expect?Nov 9, 2020Nov 9, 2020
The REAL Trouble With Foul TroubleFoul trouble in the NBA is severely outdated. Using 2020 play by play data, there’s a clear path forward.Nov 6, 2020Nov 6, 2020
5 Questions Every Aspiring Data Scientist Wants To KnowOnce you’ve done the work, the next step is the biggest: how do I get a job in the data science industry?Oct 2, 2020Oct 2, 2020
How to Graduate Georgia Tech’s OMS Program in 1.5 YearsThe Georgia Tech Online Master of Science (GT OMS) program is becoming more popular to data enthusiasts around the world. An affordable…Aug 5, 20202Aug 5, 20202
Michigan Motorcycle Helmet Case StudyIn 2012, Michigan decided not to use its head and revoke laws requiring motorcyclists to wear helmets while riding. What were the results?May 4, 2020May 4, 2020
Published inTDS ArchiveFinally Settled: Baseball’s Best of The BestWatching Mike Trout today is the equivalent of seeing…Shoeless Joe Jackson?Dec 11, 2019Dec 11, 2019